Midwifery Knowledge-to Action @ Yale is a website that supports collaboration in research, education, and quality maternal and newborn care. It houses two groups, the Quality Maternal and Newborn Care (QMNC) Research Alliance and Midwifery at Yale, including an online Global Maternal & Newborn Care certificate program.
Become a Member
Membership is open to anyone committed to the vision and mission of the alliance and willing to engage in thoughtful collaboration with other members around the research priorities.

NEW: Calabash Cafes
Members are invited to join us for a small gathering to hear from a researcher on a recent article and enjoy a relaxed conversation about the presentation. A great way to learn about current research and deepen your connections in the QMNC research community.
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QMNC Research Alliance
We are an alliance of researchers, clinicians, advocates, and policymakers working together to foster and support research to improve quality maternal and newborn care.
Global QMNC Certificate
Explore our programs for clinicians, policymakers, and administrators to assist them in providing the highest quality maternal and newborn care globally and to improve health outcomes.
Midwifery at Yale
Midwifery at Yale presents midwifery and clinician education resources at the Yale School of Nursing. The Nurse Midwifery Specialty prepares students as competent midwives who provide family-centered primary health care.
Midwifery, n:
Skilled, knowledgeable and compassionate care for the childbearing women or person, newborn infants and families across the continuum from pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, birth, postpartum and the early weeks of life. Core characteristics include optimizing normal biological, psychological, social and cultural processes of reproduction and early life, timely prevention and management of complications, consultation with and referral to other services, respecting individual circumstances and views, and working in partnership with individuals to strengthen their own capabilities to care for themselves and their families.